Pottering around in a flurry of indecison about what shade of petunia to select from the overwhelming rainbow on display, and being one who is easily flustered by too much choice, I made a different and far simpler decision. Coffee. It must have been something to do with the enticing whiff of a fresh brew wafting over the shrubbery from a restaurant in the middle of the nursery. A place with a bit of a mouthful of a name, Fraiche Ayres (!), I had no resistance and followed my nose.
A vicious south-easter was launching a savage onslaught on tender seedlings and whipping the trees into a fury and it was a pleasure to find an outdoor table sheltered by drapes of weeping willow, and browse the menu. Some interesting and delicious sounding lunches on offer, and they also do breakfast and the usual tempting sweet treats. They had my favourite lemon meringue tart but at R30 a pop I wasn't inclined to indulge and settled for just an Americano. It was the real deal, put a spring in my step and gave me the necessary shot of caffeine to resume my exhausting petunia mission.